Note: This is a true donate version as it is EXACTLY the same as the unpaid versionAn app to keep character data and roll dice. Compatible with Edge of the Empire, Age of Rebellion, and Force and Destiny.Features: - Save to Google Drive - Dice - Character Sheet - Auto-fire Weapons - Auto build ability and proficiency dice for skills - Collapsible categories - A bunch of other stuff I'm too lazy to put in a list :)Coming Soon! - Fix for intermittent save issues with Google Drive (Only happens every once in a while so it's hard to track down) - A better name - Better animations / fix animations - Add more to the guide - Better Play Store description - Ability to download minion profiles - Ability to share characters - Other awesome stuff you suggestSee what's going on in the G+ Community: is open source! am not associated with Lucasarts, Disney, or Fantasy Flight Games.